Saturday, May 27, 2006

Interview News

Zelda's interview went well, though it seems eveyone's first comment at the office is,
"Are you SURE you want to work in the same office as your wife?".

I have thought about it, as has Zelda.

We have both worked in offices where family members were in charge.
Technically, Z and I do not work for the same company.

And though we will be 50 feet away, in an open office, I won't neccessarily interact with her every day.

We are professionals, and adults.
We will not set rules, but instead, standards for our interactions to meet.

After all, it's business.

The landscape company she interviewed with handles many, if not all of our commercial landscape designs, ie, the Starbucks I am working on at the moment. But I am all about paving over the world, and she'll be planning 'growies' and pools for obnoxiously rich people.

I'm somewhat jealous.

I had thought about double majoring in landscape Architect, but A&M College of Architecture, due to the work load, limits double major Architecture students to one other degree, Construction Science.
No French minor, or psychology architects for A&M...
Save that for graduate work...

They are going to put together an offer for her next week.

Zelda told me this morning, that if the numbers are right, and even though it makes her VERY anxious to make the switch into unknown territory, she will accept.

Good thing is, her current salary is right in line with what they pay for intern landscape designers.

A space is a space, whether it's inside or out...


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