Sunday, December 13, 2009

Back in the old house

Boxes everywhere, can't find stuff.

The job interviews that Zelda had, were promising, but at the last moment a woman with experience on the software the position required was hired instead.

It has been quite the psychologically downer.
Being back in the old house with two income streams, and with the ability to car pool to boot, we were dreaming about all the things we could do. Pay down our bad debt, put a way savings, pay our house taxes, and now we have to try something different.

Turns out the bank decided to give us one more month on the old house, but they never contacted us. We received a letter three days after the original dead line for foreclosure informing us that the bank had tried to contact us by phone, but could not get thru. We never received the messages, and none were received on my cell.

What number did they call?

optimism... and a plan to resolve...


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