Saturday, March 19, 2005

oh no...

Been a whirl wind week.
Tomorrow Zelda returns home to Zelda land.

Took her to the Dallas Arboretum.
To the Fort Worth Gardens, the Kimbell, and the Modern.
They had a light show consisting of flourescent tubes.

The week started out with a trip down to Austin to meet the rents and make a the anouncement.
We stayed in a mansion turned B&B. Zelda's gift to me. (the San Gabriel House in Georgetown, Texas, Bourbon Queen Room)

Had BBQ at mom and dad's.

'Realing' from all the "news" being thrown our way.
These folks I've only just met are going to be relatives...

We have sat down and planned the move for Zelda.
She has decided to take a break from school for a while.

We stopped by the Home Depot Monday night and saw a portable shed that could make a very nice, if not small, home.
And the $$$ are right. Instead of $110k for something too large, one can build an apartment sized home (600 sq ft. that is expandable for around $10k. Leaving $90K for, etc.)

Tired, still lots to talk about...


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