Sunday, May 14, 2006

Herpes, the other std

For anyone who hasn't slogged through the old original posts, when Herpes was something "new and scary", here's some history.

Neither Zelda nor I "slept around" nor caught it with a 'one night stand'.

We both contracted this little virus from people we were dating at the time. And at the time, we were committed to them.

Over 99% of the population has the cousin of herpes simplex virus (causing cold sores), chicken pox, which causes blistering all over the body. This family of viruses live in the nerve cells. Which is why, currently, there is no "cure". Unlike skin cells, or other types of cells, that die and are replaced, nerve cells are permanent.

Very shrewd virus, wouldn't you say?

Now that we are married, I don't think Zelda has an outbreak nearly as often as she once did.

I notice them for myself, but seeing as we are all different, the virus also expresses its self based on the person. I have a slightly painful sensation in my right groin where the nerve runs back to the spinal chord. I am having one today.

It's no big deal.

I saw an add the other day for Valtrex (valcyclovir) which made claims that it is the best medicine for stopping outbreaks and for preventing transmission to others.

I was given a perscription for Valtrex back when I was single, shortly before I met Zelda.

Valtrex is new to the market, so there isn't a generic for it at the moment.
And it is very expensive.

There is another drug on the market for the treatment and supression of herpes, called Acyclovir. This one IS a generic.

Their claim in the advertisements is that Valtrex stays in the system longer and thus "is best".

The literature on the Valtrex box compares the different Rx for herpes treatment.
The literature IN the Valtrex box shows that the longest medically tested supression is given by the inexpensive, generic, older, Acyclovir, not valtrex.

Valtrex is a tweaked version of Acyclovir so that the drug companies can make money.

They are not interested in finding new drugs for those with this very common disease who have the painful outbreaks.

The best protection for stopping transmission?

The good ole condom.


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