Sunday, November 12, 2006

May I have 12 minutes of your time?

Have you heard the latest about the Internet?

AT&T wants to provide us with on demand movies, content, etc.

But what it means to have this kind of service is there is a cost.

that cost will be,
AT&T, because it owns the wires that provide access, will decide what gets on the Internet, what will not get on the internet, and finally
how much it will cost
to access what they want us to see...

Save the has a 12 minute informational video that you can take from the link above to "video", then "pick more videos", then sellect "Humanity Lobotomy".
Or cut and paste the link below.

From my letter to
Rep. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Texas)

"I am concerned over the possible loss of internet neutrality.

Corporations already control our newspapers, increasingly our radio stations, and what be buy, read, and listen too.

AT&T charges me $40.00 a month for internet access,
$70.00 for my wife and I to have cell phones,
and $20 a month for the land line to provide that internet access.

My wife has a small business working from home that depends upon the internet.

As my elected official, I ask that you protect the Neutrality of the Internet for my wife, or me, and my children.




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