Friday, April 24, 2009

Going home day!

We check out of the hospital hotel today.

It will be nice to get home to our own bed, the kitties, and "normal" (new) life.

So far baby C is a quiet one. She only complains if you hold her bottle too long from her.
Mom is attempting to breast feed and see if she can produce enough milk to supplement the feedings. Hopefully all will go well.

We start the refinancing process on the old house next week.
It's a battle against time.
Can we get the refinancing done before we can no longer afford to pay the full amount on the mortgage.

Again, in the long run, all will work out.
Cash is king as they say.
(We are gambling that inflation won't erode cash savings. But we have alternative ways to protect our money)

I am praying that the bankers and polititions who made this all possible swing from the yard arm so to speak.

If we as citizens keep on the pressure, something will happen.


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