Sunday, February 27, 2005

In 40 short minutes

I shall have brownies!!

As I stood in the kitchen contemplating the baking time, the little voice said," Naw, let's wait till later".
Which caused me to wonder where that voice eminates.

I mean, the brownies are from a box, what could be more easy?
Add this, a little of that, two of those, mix, and pop it into the oven!

I went ahead and made them because I didn't want to disappoint the other voice that gladly squealed with GLEE! "BROWNIES!!!"

I get that same excited response from "COOKIES AND MILK!!!".
Have I said I'm easily amused?

I think it comes from having only myself to take care of.
Self absorbtion.

Me, me, me...
Feel MUCH better today.

I caught a bug in Cali.
Mix in a long work day, late nights, confined airplane and jet lag and
Voila!, lack of energy and a head cold.
peace and blessing to all


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