Sunday, December 11, 2005


In coping Zelda's wish list, it copied her gift link, I didn't know it would do that.
(They have made a number of changes to blogspot since I signed up last year.)

Happy note.
Got my errant printer back in the fold. It would not communicate with my laptop.
After much gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes, I was able to reload the drivers and voila!, I can print!!

Now...about that blue tooth.

Excuse me, someone is commenting on my blog, let's go look see.

Hi Tiffiny!

Thanks for stopping by and Yes! I agree, we ALL need more sex!

Let's see.
Zelda returns this evening.
We shall put that theory to the test!
I had given my blog address to my sister when Z and I were still just (um... having sex) dating and getting to know each other.
Z informs me that Bunny Sister regularly reads our blogs.
"hi sis! love you".

Time to do some chores.

Merry Christmas and Happy Yule y'all!



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