Monday, January 16, 2006

When the mood strikes!

Last Friday we stayed late at the office to get a check set out to the client.

I was not aware of the new improved (later) deadline, (because someone didn't tell me even though I asked to meet on this project) and when that someone was out of the office and the client called, I told them MY dead line (what I was shooting for for my personal check set.).


Client decided He needed a copy too.

Thus this brings us to Friday night.

This caused me to think about my attitude.

I arranged for our print company to FedEx the package out for Monday delivery.

Senior Architect practices the philosophy of "Do it all yourself, to make sure it gets done!"
Including waiting on prints to be run, checking them, and running the set to FedEx himself.

This would not be necessary if one ran a check set a day or two before the dead line, which is My way of thinking.

Well, this morning I got a call telling me that the prints never made it to FedEx...
(they blamed FedEx for not picking up).

I felt guilty and frustrated.
Why work long and hard to get something together only to let someone else screw things up for you?

Which will cause the client to think less of me.

Zelda backed me up with my thinking of not everything will be in the realm of my control.

But I was concerned that she was supporting me and not being as hard as she might be knowing Senior Architect was behind all this. (she is no fan of his)

I finally relaxed when I remembered that:

Leadership means Delegating to others that which you don't or can't do.

Yes I am ultimatly responsible, but at the same time, I have to Trust in others to do what they are asked. Which is also a sign of Leadership.

If this were a BIG company I wanted to spend a good part of my professional life with, and I knew I would be rewarded for going "above and beyond", there would be no question as to the "Right" answer.

This is Not one of those companies.

There is also the arguement that getting and keeping a good client is everyone's number one job, but I don't care with this company.

Because they don't care about me...

Let the Senior Architects do it.

He's divorced after all.


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