Bad Dreams Interpreted (no, it's not the cat)

I went home Wed. feeling lousy.
Which was suprising. I felt great Monday and Tuesday.
Thursday I stayed home sick, no sense in going in only to have to call Zelda for a Taxi ride home.
About mid day, feeling dizzy and clammy, I decided to check if I was running a fever.
And I was.
A small one, but enough to be uncomfortable.
It lasted the rest of the day.
About 8:00 pm I remembered what a Nurse friend of mine had told me about how to cut a fever.
Start with a pain reliever.
ie Tylenol.
If the fever hasn't dropped within half an hour, take a different pain reliever so as to not OD.
ie. Advil.
Keep this up till you
a) run out of different pain relievers
b) the fever drops.
I took me an hour and a half to finally get it down.
Seems the antibiotic I'm on has not killed this particular bug...
I feel better, but my cough is back.
Hopefully it will not disrupt my house plans for tomorrow.
I have decided I was running that low grade fever all week, which would explain the odd dreams.
My sister and her husband are having to put down one of their kitties tomorrow.
They have lost all three of their long term kitties in the last year.
It has to have been tough.
Mommy Kitty has been with them for 16(?) years.
She was fond of sleeping at the head of the bed.
Right on top of my brother-in-law's bald spot.
She would get upset with him from time to time and boycott the bed for a night or two.
She has been sick with cancer for some time now and her quality of life is fading...
Possitive thoughts and prayers coming your way sis.
Thank you mommy kitty for your dedication to brother-in-law.
(She was one of those cats who L O V E D to be touched and petted.
One got the impression it was orgasmic the way she'd purr and roll around.)
The fluffy one is Socks. Lived 16 years as an outdoor/indoor cat.
I have been told the average life span of an outdoor cat is two years.
Considering they lived on a very busy corner lot for the first 10 years or so, that's quite remarkable.
Pretty damn smart cat.
He went awol earlier this year.
Perhaps he was taken by a hawk or old age...
They have a new kitty, kit kit.
Zelda and I haven't met him yet.
Though we have been told he's a ball of fun as only kittens can be.
And they love him already.
Aren't we funny creatures?
Many thanks and appreciation from the sister and brother-in-law!
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