It's a Monday...

Zelda discovered, as did I, this morning that diary-x had a "massive drive failure".
Nothing has been backed up since Dec. of 2004...
In addition, she still feels like crap a good portion of the time.
And since she "isn't allergic to anything", she is at a loss as what to do, or how to handle her allergic reactions to what ever it is that she in fact IS allergic too...
Something man made...
Any suggestions out there?
Any treatment options to suggest?
We get the new bed tomorrow, Valentines Day.
Her back has been troubling her for some time.
She has a massage scheduled this week as well as a visit to the chiopractic.
"Crack your bones!"
Cleaning out the Master Bedroom tonight.
So much for the guest room...
Finish cleaning out the back room for her Art room...
Spent a gazillion dollars on new bed linens.
They are more to my liking than a pure Zelda expression...
Translation: We both like them. But they are subdued, earth tones, with femine touches.
Vs. bright, colorful, happy Zelda tones.
This house is not a King Sized house. So the bedroom will be pretty much that, a Bed room.
We will move our clothes into the back closet. It is the largest in the house and I had given it to Z so she could have space. Seems currently I have more clothes than she does.
On a frustrating note, Z told me this am that she has gained lbs. since the holidays.
We aren't getting out enough. In large part because she feels bad many days.
Dallas doesn't have the winds whipping cross the plains like Kansas or Nebraska to blow out the man made polutions on a regular basis.
I have decided that it is the larger polution problems that keep Z down.
More Ozone and heat in the summer (and this winter).
I know I have trouble on high Ozone days and I do not have the complications of Asthma.
On the possitive side, which I am making an effort to emphasize more in my life, we will this month, thanks to our tax return, and a lower interest credit card, be paying off the Evil Credit Card from Hell that has been a ball and chain around Zelda's ankle (or neck) for too long.
It's going bye-bye this month!
Second: Z bought some new clothes (again) yesterday after we spent that gazillion dollars on new linens. She hasn't been able to blog from her computer (I'm calling the IT guy this week) and when she tried this weekend from my lap top, well, see above...
Third: I made some tasty dinner last night that took all of ten minutes.
Fourth: I have a new job that will challenge me, provide for a chance to design, and oportunity for site construction administration. To answer the question: Does what I draw in the office actually work in the field...
Fifth: We get a new bed, complete with new linens, that we BOTH picked out together.
By the warranty, I'll be 59 by the time we need to buy a new one.
And finally, I will never receive the coveted "You forgot to do the dishes" drawing by the Interiors Principal shown above.
Sniff, sniff.
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