Friday, April 21, 2006

Softly Call the Muster

Today, April 21, is Aggie Muster.

Zelda and I traveled down to the 'rents.
Dad in law has not one, but two Doctorates from Texas A&M University.
And the community in which they live, has a lot of Aggies, and a Muster.

It has to be the most important tradition we have.
Something that I believe every University should have as a tradition.

Each year, Aggies all over the world get together at Muster to honor those former students who have passed away in the last year.

A roll call is taken, and surviving friends, family members, or if none are present, a student from their year answer, "Here", for the absent and a candle is lit.

This time around there were two students from my graduation year on the list.

Check the link to see the largest annual Muster at College Station.


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