Sunday, April 09, 2006

Immigration II


What do you call someone who can speak two languages?


Bi lingual.

Q. What do you call someone who can speak three languages?

A. Tri lingual.


What do you call someone who only speaks one language?



It pisses me off when someone who has had to do




to become a
citizen of the USA

tells me or anyone else

that those who
HAVE done
difficult things

such as:

leaving family behind (and all they know),

moving to another country (where there is *hostility* towards them),

learning another language,

seeking employment (which is difficult when you DO speak the language),

that they must do it

I didn't have to give up ANYTHING to become a citizen...

and neither did these assholes telling us what to do...

Has anyone tried lately to immigrate to England from the USA?
You can't even work if you don't have
desired skills, (doctor, computer programer, MBA, actor)
a company willing to hire you *before* you enter the country,
or family from there.

(Give it a try, Google Immigration Great Britian, take their test and see how you do.
I "failed".)

I'm an educated American with professional skills.
England doesn't want me.

In order to get around this, I'd have too immigrate to Canada, and then work the Citizen angle to make it to England.


To the English,
an unqualified American
is just like
an illegal Mexican is
to Americans.

the whole
"Stay out!" attitude
comes from a belief that there is
"not enough" to go around.

Rather we should
see that there is enough
for all of us.


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