Friday, April 14, 2006

Money and Politics

Do you believe Americans should have affordable health care?

Question: If you, like me, believe we should have, and can afford inexpensive health care, why don't We the people have it?

If this last question strikes a chord, then I encourage you to look up this next information for yourself, so that you can educate yourself and not just take my word for it.
Someone at the office pinned a news letter to the message board
from the "the Washington Spectator", volume 32, No. 7.

It was an excerpt from a speach by Bill Moyers entitled, "Let's save our Democracy by getting money out of Politics".

As the Republicans have gained power, "We the people" have lost power.
And the Demmocrats have lost their voter support base for the same reason.

Lobbyist have gained a foot hold thanks to politicians such as the former Whip, Tom Delay.

According to Mr. Moyers, there are close to 65 lobbyist PER member of Congress and,

"The total spent per month by special interests wining, dining, and seducing federal officials is now nearly @200 million.

Per month."

The article continues with a possible solution, but it requires each and everyone of us getting involved.

First we have to get mad enough to want to do something about it.

For those who have arrived at that point already...there is a movement gaining momentum called the "clean money" campaign.

Connecticut has already removed the link between private funding and public campaigns.

Check out the movement


Bill Moyers has, until recently, been with Public Broadcasting where he was responsible for "NOW, with Bill Moyers". (

New Washington appointed leaders of PBS have forced Mr. Moyers out of Public Television.

What else are they doing while we are sleeping?

"Public broadcasting is under attack from those in Washington who seek to muzzle dissenting voices on PBS and NPR and eliminate federal funding for the popular alternative to commercial media. (from"

To read the more about Public broadcasting and politics click on the link above...


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