Sunday, April 23, 2006

the Texas Hill Country

Z and I talked yesterday about moving down this way.
Z could finish her degree.
We'd be close to her 'rents.
The landscape is beautiful.
And Georgetown feels like the town my family moved to in '73.
It also feels like the town in which Z grew up. It has the county seat, a university, and a town square.

Now, if we can perfect those fake IDs so we can move into Sun City...
"Yes, we look young for our age..."
Brother in law went to the emergency room yesterday for stomach pain,
(I swear I had NOTHING to do with it!!)

They are not sure what it is, but he is back at the house.
As of yesterday they were planning to still go camping.

Things may have changed by today...
In the May 2006 edition of Smithsonian, (Dinosaur Shocker!), a Paleontologist has discovered what looks like blood cells and Soft Tissue, in the fossilized bones of a T-Rex over 65 million years old.


She was able to discover that the animal in question was female, and pregnant from the banding of the fossil.

(The fundamental Christians that HAVE to have proof of the existence of G*d in order to believe have jumped on this as "proof that dinoasaurs are not as old as scientists claim." And that the world was created in only 7 days.

I'd just like to point out that the "Old Testament" is Jewish.
And you never hear of the fundamental Jews claiming the earth was created in a week, because, unlike the all knowing Christians, they know it's JUST a STORY!



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