Monday, June 19, 2006

Tense Cat Stand Off in Texas

Much to my great dismay, Snoopy has defered his seniority to Milo.
He is, after all, a passive cat.
But I'd hoped he'd have stood his ground.

The door latch to the studio doesn't catch due to the tendency of the heavy clays in this part of the world. They expand and contract with the seasons, cracking the sheet rock and causing doors to twist.

What expansive clays means is, Snoopy is able to push Milo's room door open and release the "fun".

I'm home sick today and there has been growling and hissing and great displays of puffed up tails.

Milo switches between going on the attack, (attacking Snoopy only at this time as Gaea simply will not have it) to playing with the mirade kitty toys scattered about the house.

Even now he's playing with the ball-in-track scratchy thingy.

Zelda assures me things will work themselves out.
It just is painful to see my Snoopy backing down from a "7 year old".

Gaea has been giving Milo his space, and going about her business as usual.
I don't think Milo appreciates the magnitude of the situation.
He may beable to push Snoopy, but he'll get a suprise if he thinks he'll be able to mess with the Princess of da house.


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