Thursday, June 15, 2006

What Have We Done!?

"we need kitty litter" she said.

This was after she had sent photos of new kitties to me.

"we need a new kitty too!"

we had discussed possibly getting a playmate for Snoopy since he Loves to play.

And this would allow me a breather.

See, I worry about Snoops getting tired of my lack of interest.

(yes, I'm worried about what my Cat thinks of me...)

that and he wears me out.

Good times to PLAY!! are right before bed,
usually after I have gotten ready to call it a night,
and the other time is first thing in the morning or as I'm walking out the door for work.

Play with me!?

So tonight we stopped by the SPCA adoption center,
Zelda had already visited the same SPCA center where we got Snoopy earlier in the day.
We were primed...

Milo is a cutie little black cat.
Maybe one year old.

Everyone but mom seems to be experiencing


Gaia is asking

"What the HELL are you doing Mom?!"

Snoopy is thinking,

"I just worked my place in the pecking order,
got Gaia to playing with string,
And you bring someone NEW!?"

I'm thinking

"What the HELL are we doing!?"

Milo has his claws...

Snoopy, Mr. Cool,
is freaking.

And poor Milo is wondering,
"is it safe?"

On the plus side,
we are going Saturday with Ms Gaia to the V-E-T
so we will take Milo too.
At which time we can ask about claws.

I didn't want to discriminate against this little kitty based on his toes.
I also do not want to be the one to remove his "fingers".

But clawless kitties have their advantages...
they don't tear up couches,
or bed linens,
or newly upolstered chairs,
or carpets,
or clothes,
or skin,
or other kitties what don't have their claws...

I guess buying finches or maybe a canary is
right out.

Sibling rivalry...

Ah, I'm glad my brothers have moved on...

On a similar note.

Snoopy is definitely "Mine",

And Gaia is "mom's", though she has warmed to me in the last 6 months.
Which makes mom jealous...

Who will Milo claim?
(Mom already thinks it's her)

What I planned on,
and I shared this with Zelda,
is I was hoping for a cat for Snoopy...

What must it be like for someone who has just been told,

"We're Pregnant!" ?*!?!



Blogger Paula said...

Get some pics of the kitty to show on your blog!

11:59 AM  

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