Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Good fences

When my family moved from the north west to Texas in the early 70's, we lived for a time in a rental my uncle owned in Farmers Branch.

Today, the city of FB passed an ordinance making English the Official language.

The hispanics in Texas have not gotten a good deal in the history of Texas.
And this new ordinance has caused some commotion.

A man on a bull horn yelled that it will cause hatred and discrimination.

If the man with the bull horn REALLY wanted to solve a problem, yelling through a bull horn isn't the way to do it.

No one who can do anything about it will be listening to the man with the bull horn.
Only the people he REALLY wanted to hear him...
the media.


Where was the guy with the horn when the South Texas town of El Cenizo, adopted Spanish as the Official Language in a country of English speakers???

Farmers Branch wants to make English, in a town in an English speaking country, the Official Language,
let them do it...

As far as I know, the ordinance didn't make speaking other languages

Texas politicians in their infinite wisdom, have decided to build a

700 MILE

fence on the Mexican Border.

(We get to pay for it).

The Great Wall of China didn't stop the Huns.

It's bad politics to placate and get a vote from Biggots...

(You can cut my lawn, just don't live near me or speak Spanish to me)


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