Saturday, November 03, 2007

TV fast

I have decided to cut out Television for the month of November.

So far, so good.
TV fasts used to be a regular part of my single life routine.

"Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy".
I believe I have written about that before.

The idea being - cut out all regular activities, things that distract, and make that day SPECIAL.
No TV, no (gasp!!) shopping. (it can be done).

Should you try it, and I recommend it highly, the Sabbath will become for you, the Center of the week, and not just the bookend for the week.

Zelda is not subject to this personal purge and is down stairs enjoying Gram Norton.

I'm glad not to have the advertisers yelling at me about how I should drop everything and go out RIGHT NOW to buy what ever they are hawking.
Or someone I have never met, and most like never meet, trying to tell me my life is "less than" for not being like them.

Peace of mind.

It has given me time to catch up on book keeping.
I played with the cats for about an hour this morning.
Read the paper while listening to a CD (again no adds).

I might explore the whole Sabbath idea again for a weekly thing.

Certainly saves money.
Give a sense of empowerment.

I am more than just a "Consumer".

What about you?


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