Sunday, December 09, 2007

Money exercise

One of the suggestions of the financial advisers I have been listening too is, for a week, carry a large sum of cash in your pocket.

Well, last week I did.

I don't like carrying cash for fear I might misplace it, or worse yet, I might get mugged.

The first is more likely to happen than the latter.

I have been out with friends who always carried at least $1,000.00 in their pockets.

I also intentionally visited places where there are things I'd like to have with said grand in hand.

10 Ben Franklins when laid out on the table look like more than they are. Which is true.

On the trip to Omaha for Magda's wedding, we spent at least that much and didn't even think about it.

Because we bought with credit. We never saw it... just numbers on a receipt.

Wasn't until the statement came that I was made aware.

When I stop to think about how long it takes to save $1,000.00... and we spend it so freely...

Wish I'd done this exercise years ago...

Funny sad thing is, $1,000.00 won't go very far these days.

It won't pay the rent at the new house.
Is only 1/4th of the amount needed to buy that sound system I lust for, 1/9 of the pay off for Betty, and 1/180 of what we owe on the house.

The $$$ has a new home in a short term CD earning some interest, grow baby grow!
When I talk to Z about investing and wanting to have enough money to live securely, if not comfortably, she pulls away.

There is a fear that it will become all about Money.

Actually, being strapped for cash and watching those pennies every month Is about the Money.

Worrying every month about paying the car loan, the utilities, mortgage, groceries, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. is focusing on $$$. Can we pay this yet? I have to work late this week to make more $$$.

Investing is more about the Game. And it's all about the Information and Education on how money works.

Although the rental does not pull in great amounts of cash flow, it does bring in enough a year to by that Bose, or the dining table, or the couch, or new tv. And best of all, we don't have to work to do it...


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