Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cloned Animals in the food chain

That would be, Our food chain.

As Zelda and I sat Sunday morning discussing the newspaper article, neither of us could figure out WHY cloned animals need to be used.

Yes, over the weekend the FDA approved the use of Cloned animals in the food chain.

It won't be the Actual cloned animals (in the begining). Just the off spring of the cloned animal.


The article said it was to optimize the quality of the live stock.

Since a male produces MILLIONS of sperm over his life time, and since it is common practice to Freeze said sperm for use over a time frame longer than the reproductive life span of said male (in this case, a prize bull). Why do they need to make more than One prize bull?

My guess is to place ownership over a blood line.
I created this animal, so all of it's offspring are mine...

Pay up...

Write your representatives and let them know your opinion.
Wal Mart and McDonalds have gone on record as voting 'No' to cloned animals, but neither has extended that opinion to the offspring of cloned animals...

Guess what you'll be eating in a year's time...

I don't know either...

But my rep has my 2 cents...


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