Saturday, January 31, 2009

Forward momentum

As "quickly" as the crisis hit, it has "dissolved".
( I won't feel 100% comfortable till I am sitting at a desk at my new office working on a project.)

I must be the luckiest guy in Dallas.

Not only have I been given a job,
but it's in one of the biggest demand areas for architecture in this economy,
health care.
Doing Lab work.

The only better job markets I am aware of are

teaching and nursing...

I am grateful to the universe...
It seemed things panned out every time Zelda and I moved forward with something.

Friday Z and I took a leap of faith and signed up for Rich Dad Coaching to put a fire under us in moving on long time personal goals. (At about 4k, it's a bargain. We should have our next positive cash flowing property by mid year.)

When I signed up for substitute teaching, other offers came my way.
Sunday we will speak to the family at church about offering a place to stay in our home.

And share our joy in finding work.

Zelda is still under employed in the work world.

When baby comes, that will change (diapers).
Two weeks to enjoy Zelda and clean house.
In my interview I mentioned I was studying for LEED.
Time to follow up on that!
(In speaking to my new employer, he felt it's more of a gimmick to sell stuff.
I agree. LEED is more about government paper work than the best energy savings. LEED certification is dependent on convincing the developer or client they want it. Most of them are on tight budgets and will not want to pay extra. It doesn't need to be LEED certified to be "GREEN".)

Anyway, it's a great sales tool for Architects if they have clients who want it...



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