Saturday, November 13, 2004

If wishes were horses

beggers would have a fertilizer problem...

someone recently asked me if I
had three wishes,
what would they be...
Ah there is the obvious,
endless cash,
lots of women,
inability to contract or transmit STDs.

Then there is "world peace".

love would be in there somewhere.
a family.
a great house,
losts of friends,
understanding women would be nice.
I job I could love.

what would YOU wish?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

one thing about wishes...sometimes when you make them, they take a really long time to come true. yet other times, you never get what you wish for, you just get what you need (to paraphrase the stones). and still other times, you do get what you wished for, but it isn't at all as you thought it would be.

so, be careful what you (or i) wish for. you just might get it.


9:57 AM  
Blogger karlthebunny said...

at the moment I'd be happy with lots of good sex, suggling and such. (What were you thinking G*d!?)
the ability to over come myself would be great.

(for those easily offended by the dropping of the vowel in G@d. the Hebrew Moses spoke, did NOT have vowels. It is out of respect that a word so powerful be made special.try it next time you are writting about the lord. I have to pause each time I come to it and think about it, rather than simply type and move on...)

10:40 AM  

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