Friday, July 15, 2005

Only One Day till your "Event"

Last night we gathered with friends, old and new, for Zelda, all new, for a non traditional Bachelor Party.

Had we had the traditional type, Dr. S, and Di, and Zelda, and Frankly all would not have been "allowed" as they are girls! Women really. Very much women.

On the patio of La Duni's, across the street from Crate and Barrel, 'you have only one more day till your event', we laughed and talked and joked and talked about pets and children.

The marrieds some how all ended up on one end of the table, with the cool hip singles gathered at the other end.

And there was Zelda and I in the middle. The transitional stage.
Excitement and energy on one end, and comfort and satisfacition balancing the other.
S & CC, Zelda and I want you to know we are sending our possitive energy and prayers your way.

We'd love to have you in Texas, even if it's 4 hours away. I think you would like it here, once you got over the heat. San Antonio can be a very romantic place.
And the hill country is beautiful!
Sorry you were not able to make it down to our wedding there.
We were hopeful and excited at the news you might.
Magda and her man have arrived, our things are packed, Gaea is pissed.
But she will survive.

On to Adventures!!


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