Sunday, March 05, 2006

the Company you Keep - New

The new office where I now work is in a wonderful part of town.

As many times as I have driven through that area, around it, past it, I had never gotten out of my car and walked it.

Walk south of my office one city block and I am in a park.
Walk north of my office and I am in old residential. (that is just now in the midst of a turn around.
Walk east a city block and I am in retail shopping.
Walk west of my office and I have my pick of a number of restaurants.

No car neccessary.
I have windows. Some no closer than where I was before, but since the equiptment is along the glass, and not people, they stay open longer before the sun shines in on monitor screens.

And at certain times of the day, I can hear the bells of the church down the street.
We all went to lunch Friday as it was my first "get to know the new guy outing".
Unlike the last office, the boss instigated it, the secretary planned it, and everyone else looked forward to it.

We carpooled up to Frisco to the project the company has been working on for the last 7 years for lunch.

LOTS of money in North Texas. Ours is a mixed use retail, residential, hotel project.
We handle the retail and site planning. The third phase is under construction now.
A small office doing big things.

And there is an underlying theme that runs through the staff.
Something that was not there in the old place.
And that thing is...

Respect for others.

There is laughter and whistling and joking around here.

None of which is at the expense of someone else.

In StarTrek, the reason the Enterprise was able to get out of so many tight spots was, the crew were all outstanding.

I feel good about this place.


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