Thursday, April 27, 2006


After futher review of Zelda daddy's office, he doe not, as I stated earlier have
two Doctorates from A&M.

He as a Masters
and a PhD from Texas A&M.

Nephew up date.
I called Nephew Bunny's phone the other day.
Yes, we do have the same name.
Neice bunny answered.
No, we do not have the same name.

Nephew seemed unfazed by his recent adventure and un troubled by his near brush with permanent blindness.

His mama and Zelda and I were not.
Mama drove the 10 hours to her daughters in Miss, where Bunny son now relaxed with his partial vision.

Seems all will be okay.
Lens transplant and he's "good as new".

Zelda thinks he's on some pretty good drugs.


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