Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Eyes have it

Bunny Nephew was out in Mississippi doing some work for his sister’s hubby for college moneys.

While twisting some wire, he was distracted, and the wire and his eye connected.

Mass pandemonium and key stone cops occurred while getting him to a hospital out in bfe that could handle his emergency.

When they final reached a hospital with an emergency room, the attending looked at it and had to refer him to an eye specialist.

I got word from my sister that they admitted him for surgery.
Removed his lens.
Discovered the beginnings of a strep infection.
Cleaned him up.

He was still in hospital and will ‘see’ a retinal specialist later this week.

I’m pissed at his sister.
She’s a drama queen.
Z is pissed with drama queen’s hubby for not requiring Bunny Nephew to wear his eye protection.

I suppose we should be upset with Bunny Nephew for being a 20 year old and not thinking ahead and using his eye protection.

In other news.
Zelda’s grandma was also admitted to the hospital for breathing problems.

We haven’t heard from Zelda Brother today, so we are hoping his stomach is better.

Back to work.


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