Saturday, April 29, 2006

Illegal Immigration - Again

I recently visited a friend's blog who rightfully expressed her frustration and anger towards the whole illegal question.

I attempted a response, but it didn't work.
(Operator error I'm sure).

The blog entry was about foreign language classes in high schools and removing them from the requirement for graduation.

here was my attempted response:

Maybe you should encourage more participation in foreign language classes.
Folks come here because of financial advantages.

In order to stop this, we need to help those countries provide those same advantages back home.
Zelda has some Spanish.
I have some French, German, Italian, and Japanese.
If nothing else, it's good to know your 'enemy', and to do that, it helps to know what they are saying.
This caused me to do some thinking...

And I have come up with a solution to the whole "no illegals" and border control.

First some history thanks to the History Guy

"The war between the United States and Mexico had two basic causes.

First, the desire of the U.S. to expand across the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean caused conflict with all of its neighbors; from the British in Canada and Oregon to the Mexicans in the southwest and, of course, with the Native Americans.

Ever since President Jefferson's acquisition of the Louisiana Territory in 1803, Americans migrated westward in ever increasing numbers,
often into lands not belonging to the United States.
By the time President Polk came to office in 1845, an idea called "Manifest Destiny" had taken root among the American people, and the new occupant of the White House was a firm believer in the idea of expansion.

The belief that the U.S. basically had a God-given right to occupy and "civilize" the whole continent gained favor as more and more Americans settled the western lands. The fact that most of those areas already had people living upon them was usually ignored, with the attitude that democratic English-speaking America, with its high ideals and Protestant Christian ethics, would do a better job of running things than the Native Americans or Spanish-speaking Catholic Mexicans."
(the history guy

With the Mexican American war of 1846-48 in mind, where the US army marched into Mexico City and demanded California and other foreign controlled lands...

The United States of America should again invade Mexico, having pulled out of Iraq, another foreign land holding of ours, and declare it part of the United States.

(Too far fetched you say? Hey, we already did this with Porto Rico and Hawaii)

This would solve all concerns about border issues, language concerns, we just require the adoption of English as the new official speach, and cheep labor.

Problem solved.

*How many US states have Spanish names?...


there's Texas... (live there)

and California... (visited work there)

and Montana... (born there)

and Mississippi, (family there)


that last one's

Native American...*


Blogger Angela said...

Were you talking about my ARTFS blog? I wonder why your comments are not getting through? This doesn't make any sense to me because comments are not under any type of moderation on my blogs. Weird.. will you shoot me an e-mail about this so we can try and figure out what the problem might be? (that's IF it's me you're talking about)

Hi Zelda!! :)

10:50 PM  
Blogger karlthebunny said...

Zelda is in Omaha this weekend!

10:58 PM  

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