Friday, October 13, 2006

Boo's Back


After a stressful two days for Zelda, Gaea came home from the Kitty Hospital.

We have a wonderful Vet.

She has taken care of all our kitties, from the late great One Eyed Woody Cat, to Milo the destructor.

Three weeks ago we noticed Boo had a swollen toe. (cancer)
We were referred to a specialist who was optimistic.

Scheduled the surgery.
Total wait time, about three weeks.

But in that time her foot began to swell as well.

So Wednesday we received a call from the vet recommending
a) we see the specialist again, or
b) we take the leg entire.

Zelda agonized over it, but went with her gut and authorized the surgery.

Gaea is half the cat, well...
3/4 the cat she used to be.

Z has told me that Boo is pretty much all fluff and fur. After seeing her all shaved and wrapped up, I believe it.

And is she EVER glad to be back home.
(And due to her disposition, the hospital staff is too!)

A couple four days in seclusion from the boys and she should be ready to roam the house again.

Glad you're home Boo!


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