Saturday, December 09, 2006

Holidays - Holy Days

Tuesday evening Zelda, Zelda Mommy, and I went to a choral performance of liturgical


Much from hundreds of years ago.

Most of it was about either the Mother of the Child, or the birth of the child.

Although the majority was in old English, French, or Latin, the emotion didn't need translation.

Now I do not have children. But it occured to me that this emotion must be close to what it is like to experience the birth of your own child.

Which lead to the thought that Christianity has taken center stage and made the Holiday something OutSide us.

G*d is born through this girl thousands of years ago. And the holiday is all-about-him.

When I looked at the perpective of the Birth reflecting the Joy of Birth (yours, mine, your children's), then I was suddenly Part-of-the-Holiday.

It was about US,

and not someone else.

I think Christmas would be so much better if that was its focus.

As would the world.


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