Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tour of Homes

Last night was the Bunny Town show of homes.

Only four houses this time.

An old one,
and remodeled one,
a historic one,
and a new "old" one.

And more interesting than the homes were the owners.

A pianist and his partner who has played Carnegie Hall and has six of seven victrolas in the oldest home.
I'd like to know him.

A young 'interior designer' and her husband, who are Christian and felt it in their heart that they should move to Bunny Town and buy my favorite home in town.

(I got to see inside a home I've wanted to own since I was in High School throwing news papers on Bunny Town Ave.)

It has a Rookwood fire place.
It was less about the house and mainly about the interior designer, but hey, she owns the house and I don't. So she obviously knows something I don't.
I would not have advertised the original tiffiny lamp in the front room.
(Other homes in other years have been broken into after showing their homes and expensive items stolen)

The concrete block house built south of town by a farmer and his family, now owned and remodeled by two gentlemen who have very (miami beach?) eclectic tastes and nice art.
I'd like to know them as well. They seem like they are good people. Lots of art every where.

And finally the mother/daughter team remodeling a "new victorian" build in the mid 80's.
They were having fun learing about the victorian era and sharing it with us.

(Did you know that it was thought un thinkable for a gentleman to give up his seat to a lady because when she sat down.... the seat would be warm...thus lots of extra seats in the parlor!)

Zelda mama is coming to visit this week so I must be off to clean the guest room for her.


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