Sunday, July 08, 2007

debtor's prison

For the last couple of years, I have not had the discipline or desk space to keep track of our spending.

Check cards make keeping track of the balance sheet a real bear.
Our old bank statement provided a running balance.

Expence balance
deposit balance

made keeping track of things fairly easy.

Our new bank gives an ending balance.
Rather than give a running balance, it shows all electronic transfers, ie. check card transactions,
and on a second page gives all the cleared checks.

I love Zelda.
She loves me and using her bank card.

Now that I have a nice office space and a desk of my own I want to get back out of bad debt.

We need to tighten our belts and cut back on spending.
Increase our savings and make some financial moves to improve our lives.
I ran the numbers again on the old house.
I am ready to move on the old house and make it a rental as I have intended for 6 years now.

It will provide a positive cash flow and bring in money with no cash out of Z's or my pocket.
Hopefully Z will begin to look at debt differently.
It has been nice to spend $$ and get the new house.

I really want to go on vacation and the new house eats a majority of my income.
We got ourselves into this.
We will get ourselves out.


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