Saturday, November 03, 2007


A fine group of folks in the state of Oklahoma got together and decided to make a rule that they could charge you with a Felony and put you in Jail if you in some way helped a person who is in the United States illegally.


If I travel to England and over stay my visa, and you let me stay at your place, or you took me to someone who let me live with them, then YOU, under this law, could have your FREEDOM taken away.

And they could do it, because they don't care that I'm educated, that I have a family, that I am trying to make a living, that I have something to contribute. They can do it because they give me a label, take my humanity from me, and call me Unwanted. Illegal...
And we sat by let them get away with it...

Isn't that why we are here on this planet in the first place?
To help one another?

And I wonder why I don't love Z when we are in Oklahoma...

(and by the way, we'll take the native people's land, give them a barren piece of dirt no one else wants, and later take that away when we find some reason to want it. And we'll call it....
ah yes, we'll call it "Oklahoma")


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