Saturday, October 11, 2008

Read - Your life depends upon it...

I heard a quote, alas I can't remember whom to give the credit...

"He who does not read

has no advantage over

he who can't read.
CEO's get there by increasing their value to the market by improving themselves by reading.

Jim Rohn in his audio seminar, Challenge to Succeed mentions that the U.S. of A. is a ladder, with the bottom rung starting at $5.00 an hour, and the top rung, as of 2000, was $35 million a year.

Where you stand on that ladder depends upon your value to the market place.

The CEO of Coca Cola was the top of the rung.

Today folks complain about how much CEOs make.

My advice is...

If you don't like that fact that the CEO of Coca Cola earned $35 millions for his value to his company

stop buying Coke products...

That $$$ did not come to coke out of thin air...

My other advice is...

Do what you need to become the CEO.

As Jim Rohn also says...


the ladder is only


at the



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