Sunday, December 07, 2008

What would Jesus Buy II

I am like most Americans, I believe I am in control of my life.
But reality would be quite different.
Being human, I get caught up in the crowd. I also do not control what I have been taught to believe.
We did after all, buy a new house at the top of the market.

We are surviving...
One comment made Tuesday at the screening of "What would Jesus Buy?" was made in response to my observation on free speech.

*The Supreme Court ruled that Corporations have the rights of US citizens.*

It is easy to point fingers, and this comment struck me as such ("it's the Government's fault", etc.), but I didn't have a counter thought.

Now I have had time to think it over.

My comment was worded to place the responsibility on Us, the Citizens. How did we get to a place where this could happen? That a non living thing, a piece of paper in a file drawer, could have more power than We, the citizens do?

The court ruling happened in the 19th century. I don't believe anyone even knew about it or could see the ramifications. Those who did, were the people who would benefit from it.

Amongst similar minded people at the church, it was easy to get into the Corporations are the Bad Guys frame of thinking.

Reality... We the People CAN do something about Corporations being qualified as having the same rights as We the People.

California's supreme court recently ruled that Gays have the right to marry.
The People of the state of California voted to Create a Constitutional amendment over ruling the Supreme Court.

If enough of the population felt strongly about Corporations as people, we could make the Change.

But it's up to Us to care enough...

And the corporations main job is to keep us docile, fat, and happy...


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