Sunday, October 26, 2008

Grunch of Giants

"Grunch of Giants" is a book by the late R. Buckminster Fuller.

Although he never gradutated College and never took the Architectural Exam, his bust in in the lobby of the American Institute of Architects.

Ironically, the political action group created to protect the title of "Architect" from just anyone who can draw up a set of plans for a building, and thus protect those of us who have spent $$$$$$$ to spend our days doing just that, claims Fuller as the best know Architect of the last century. (Tells you something about our professional industries)

"Bucky" as he is sometimes called, created the first original structure used as a building since the Egyptians and Syrians with their monumental architecture, the geodesic dome we played on in the playgrounds of the 70s. (Think of the great ball know as Epcot center)

Check the link for a PDF of the book.

It traces the origins of land ownership and how corporations have come to dominate the world.

Today we have the technology to feed and house every person on the planet in a high standard of living.

Why then don't we?

GR-UN-C-H stands for Gross Universe Cash Heist.

Ever wonder where your money goes and why things seem to get more and more expensive?

Grunch of Giants will tell you part of that story.

Check it out and pass it on...


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