Sunday, November 16, 2008


After listening to Ron Paul's book, "The Revolution: A manifesto", I have changed my views on a number of things.

Modern politicians would have us believe that the only way to take care of the poor, sick, the weak, is to form regulations and have the Government take care of them.

This requires money most of the time.
Where to get this money?

Your back pocket.
My back pocket.

Each year we Americans work aprox. 5 months out of the year for the Fed. Gov.
(This does not include the hidden tax that is Inflation caused when the Gov. prints more money. $700b bailout anyone?)

Ron Paul, an OBGYN, asks the question, "How did we survive and take care of those in need of help prior to Government Programs?"

We the People helped each other out.

Fraternal organizations raised money, Ie. the Shriners, to provide FREE hospital care for children below a certain age. (My brother helped sister's son get that help).

In addition, Doctors reduced their prices, bartered for goods in return for medical services, or worked gratis for those who could not afford to pay.

What has happened is the Fed has stepped in, created Medicare and Medicade, the Insurance Industry has blossomed and now very few of us can afford anything.

Unintended consequences...

On his congressional web site he has video of his speaches to the House on the financial problems they have created and which we now see in our economy.

And unlike most everyone else, he has a step by step plan to help fix the problems.

The founding Fathers created the Constitution to protect us from Big Gov., to protect our Liberties, a French word by the way, meaning Freedom.

I visited my House Rep this week to see what she was doing for me.


Passing bills to do "great things" by the Gov. (Great things that get votes.)

Things we could do, and did in the past, more effectively, more economically, on our own with our neighbors, churches, and Fraternal societies.

Things we were all Free to do.

I have a black congress woman taking more of my money out of my back pocket to pay for things that are not the venue of the Feds.

She has no idea what her spending is doing to her constituents.

Abolish Slavery!


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