Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Laundry List

To do list this week...

Grocery Shop.
Recyclables to the center.
Call Salvation army on mom's bed,
the old desk, and the small desk.

Laundry. As in Do some.
Take in my dry cleaning.

Oh, pay my Advolorum taxes (propery taxes) due the 31st.
(No matter what someone might say about "owning property",
reality is, the 'King' still owns it all.
We mearly borrow it.
If you don't believe me,
try not paying your property taxes and
see what happens.
The King ALWAYS gets his cut.)

Buy fruits and veggies.
Follow up on dinner this week with J.
Find out how he's doing. How's his love life.
Ask him to be my best man...

Last Opera of the season this Friday...
Pay myself from my paycheck into savings.
(A good habit to form, set aside a percentage of each paycheck and place it into a savings account to be used for rainy days and investing. If you don't do it, no one's going to do it for you!!)
Calculate the pay off for the Harley...
What else....?

Clean house.
Cat box.
Pay bills
(buy latest Quicken for the new computer)

Finish moonlighting project.
(I never need worry about forgeting to call Zelda)
Send out billings.
Wash car...

enjoy myself!


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