Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Single dr told me she finally joined her church.

Now what EXACTLY is that?

She took the new member's class this last (Superbowl) weekend.
This church believes that to be "Christian", as they understand it, one must acknowledge Jesus
(Joshua in Hebrew) as their personal Lord and savior.

Now, I interupted her there, and it was probably rude, because it was her story, but what exactly does it mean to "be saved"??

Jewel has a great line in one of her songs off of "Spirit" that goes something like,

'.... to be saved,
we must first believe in Sin.... '

(I'll do some research and up date this with the particulars).

I struggle with the whole.
YOU! yes YOU! are A
S I N N E R !!!!
Cuz some kids had sex back in the 'Old Testament'.
Pretty nice of us Christians to call the Bible Jesus knew as
the 'Old' Testament.

I'll talk about this more later, when I've had more time to collect my thoughts.

In the mean time, check out
Real live preacher
Zelda sent me the link
you can reach his site by clicking on the purple title of today's blog.

He's a Texas boy,
You'll like him!



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