Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Zelda has an impressive insight to the Florida Right to Die case.

My thought is, first, go check out her site.
How can I as an outside party know what is going on in someone else's life??

It is a sad thing all around.

Sad for the Parents who are unwilling to let go of a child they love.

That kind of pain, I have been told, by my mother,
Never Goes Away. Mama lost my older sister at birth. I lost mama in '01 and it still hurts, so I can only guess what it's like to lose a child, and wish it never to happen to anyone.

Sad for the Husband and his new family.
Constantly fighting for what he believes to be right.
It would be very easy for him to give over custody to the parents and walk away.

Sad for the woman, possibly trapped in a personal cell.

15 years.

Does the soul depart if the body lives on?? I'll have to ask G*D should I ever meet 'Him' in person.

Maybe something good will come of all this...


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