Saturday, April 02, 2005

Zelda is coming II


She's worked up and nervous about the interview and trip, it has gotten $$$ to travel from Omaha to Dallas, and everything will be okay.
I'm more nervous about the "getting married" part.
Being mentally ready for it.

Things come along in life and the Universe doesn't say, "Okay, you want more time, sure, we'll hold off and just give us a call when you are ready."

There has also been the conversation of banning Zelda from my site so I could freely express my thougths, though I'm not sure how one could do that with confidence.
A new site would be the solution.
Though then I'd have to split my thoughts between, "politically correct" and "what ever I'm thinking/feeling.
Washed the car.
Paid my auto taxes aka registration. Ran all over town to find a store with registration tags.
Finally found one just across the street...
In reading more of the Tantra book, it brings to mind the whole, 'are we designed for monogamy?'
One of the cerimonies involves couples, chosen by the guru, coming together in the highest of spiritual rituals of Tantra. In a random lotto, a women is paired with a man, and eventually become sexual. This random pairing symbolizes the chaotic events that happen when lovers first meet.
To insure that bonding doesn't happen between these one time encounters, which by all acounts are simply incredible, the same pairs are not invited again.
It is a spiritual experience, to bring the awareness of the cosmic connection of the creative force of the male and the female. And not... sex.
We all ARE that god or goddess. And the union between the two makes us ALL the Creative Force. We are gods.

The book gives examples of western views of the time when the British were just encountering the Indians of Asia.
This brings into stark contrast the Western Paint Brush we through which we see the world.
To the participants, it was as 'casual' as 'going to church' albeit, not as we would see it.
The western eyes could not get past, 'they had intercourse! they had intercourse with someone NOT their spouse/partner'.

One less 'educated' author spoke of his experiences with the women of the world in his journeys with the British army.
He spoke glowingly of the high priced women of India.
They wore beautiful clothes.
Could sing.
Knew the "arts of Love". And were beautiful of face and body.
So... if we are not meant for 'monogamy', then why is it that we bond and stay with one person all our lives?
Friday night, I called Zelda on my way home.
She was on her way out for coffee with friends.
I asked her if she had a cold, she shared with me that she had a hard week. And cried over the phone.
It is this intimicy, this sharing of ourselves, that is the reason that we bond.
This is why we are monogamous.


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