Tuesday, March 29, 2005

It's April

Which means:
and new growth
and babies
and lots of sex
and nests
and warmer weather
and longer days
and rain
and sun
and cabin fever

it's my turn to do
the boss'es dishes
at the office.

A WHOLE thirty
JOYOUS days.

It's really bad for office moral.
We all grumble about it.

But hey,
it makes the boss,
in this case,
the Boss'es wife,
the "interior designer (who really only decorates)"
feel powerful...
Little does she know
we all make fun of her about it.
And it has the opposite effect of what she is after.

This month will be my last time.
In an effort to make it more palettable in my mind
I offered to do 30 days of dishes for
her just past birthday.

I won't argue about it as other's have.
I will simply address it with the man who hired me.
Let him know that I am no longer going to do them, save what I or my consultants dirty,
and that I expect him to defend me from his wife.

you don't think that will ever happen


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