Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Much ado about nothing

Daily we rant and rave and grump at our office.

Yesterday, as I sat in the building break room, our Principal's wife doesn't like the smell of the micro wave, and so she has banned them...I over heard three women complaining bout their office. Someone wasn't doing their job and passing the work load on to them. Or at least trying.

Today we met for lunch with a former fellow ubber employee. She does the work of four men and never seems to tire. This would be "boob brush girl".
She quit one of four jobs to go more time with the higher paying company.
She turned in her pink slip about 20 days too early for the Texas Interiors folks and so must work 40 to make up for it. (She's now working only "part time".)
Her new office is way behind the computer times. The owner is of the old school, where one's word is gold. What this means is, there are few if any signed, written contracts, and everyone in the office has different computer software, all old and out dated. Our IT guy stopped by to take a look at the situation, and Ubber worker told us he couldn't stop laughing at how bad it is.
The two servers crash with every rain storm. Maybe because they are sitting in an over heated closet, instead of a nice cool, well vented room.

Seems most of us, are unhappy with our lot.
Why is that?

I can say that I have fallen into the "go to work and get by" habit.
I'm not challenged much. I no longer look for challenge in what I'm doing.

What to do to change this attitude on my part...?

1. Start dreaming, and dream big!
2. Surround myself with up beat happy people.
3. Watch what comes out of my mouth.
4. Plan for my future each and every day.
5. Stop listening to negative people.
6. Be realistic in what I can and can't do.
7. Always keep learning.
8. Develop a new skill.
9. Finally, do at least one thing a week that scares the pee out of me.

We'll see how this goes...


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