The Kitty that almost was...

For starters, I'd like to give a Woody update.
We went in to pick him up on Thursday, only to learn that his creatinine (I think that's right, Zelda knows all about these things as she was exposed to them when her first husband was in ICU) is still too high.
It's at 10, needs to be at 3...
We'll see on Tuesday.
Now for the other kitty news...
Zelda went all out to get the house ready for Zahara.
Kitty bed, kitty bowls, kitty food, kitty carrier.
But the shelter wouldn't accept her Nebraska Drivers License...
In Texas, if you own a car and move in from out of state, you must first register said car before the Department of Public Safety will issue you a Texas Drivers License.
They also won't let you pay with an out of state check...
So, open a local account, or get cash from your l..o..c..a..l.. b..a..n..k...
Find a friend who will loan you the cash to get the registration so that you may get the license to open the local bank get your registration...
Zahara had been in a cage for over a YEAR waiting for someone to take her home.
We were that someone.
Zelda got her car registered last week, with a loan from me.
She scheduled to get her license Wednesday, so we could pick her up on Thursday when we were to have taken Woody home.
I got off work early to meet her at the shelter so I could pay, she would start the paper work.
(I think I am begining to see a theme here...)
As fate would have it, a family had to put their kitty to sleep, due to cancer.
They saw Zahara earlier in the week as well.
They got there ten minutes before Zelda.
Such is life...
Time to go visit Woody Cat!!!
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