Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Under the weather

I'd like to start with, 'Everyone should have a Sunday like last Sunday!!!'.

We slept in late.
Had a little nookie.
I made French Toast for brunch for my bride (turned out Great!).
Then on for an afternoon nap.

Then a leisurely evening watching movies together.
Followed by bed time snuggling, which turned into
more nookie!!

We didn't go ANYwhere.

'cept to bed.
Under the weather.
I woke Monday with vertigo.
Going this afternoon to visit the doc. I think it's a sinus problem.
Did I mention I stayed home Monday and half a day today?
Further more, I have a dead line tonight...

We'll see.

In the last year or so, my body has started "complaining" when I drink alcohol. Now I have always had an allergy to dark beers, but it manifested itself in the form of sneezing. It still makes me sneeze, and has added a Stomach accent that kindly asks,

"Could you Please not drink that stuff anymore?".

We had hard liquor at the party Friday, which didn't seem to bother me as much. For a while I thought, "Ah ha! I still have an alcoholic venue to pursue!". Body told me later in the day Saturday, "Don't get too happy bub."

Last night after getting home, Zelda insisted I get some meds and get off to bed. I didn't think I looked that bad.
I went for that old stand by, Nyquil.

Which has alcohol...


Today I have my sinus trouble, my alcohol alergies, and a nyquil hangover...

Drugs, got to love them...not.

French Toast with a twist.
Substitute Butter milk for whole milk.
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup sugar
4 large eggs
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 table spoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

2 table spoons butter (for the pan)

mix ingredients and pour over bread to soak.
heat your pan to med/hot heat and add one table spoon butter.
cook 3 to 4 minutes (till brown) and turn, cook another 2 to 3 minutes and serve.

If you are like me, cook the toast the shorter time for a more custard like finish.
Zelda suggests Orange Zest, (which we didn't have.)

Good Stuff!!


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