Sunday, August 21, 2005

Football Season!!!! WHOOP!!!!

College football, and for that matter, 'pro' football season is begining next month.

J and I have been going to Texas Aggie Football games since '96.
We have, up until now, for the most part, been Single. Which means we have not had many problems with the schedules other than being exhausted by the end of the season. College Station is about 3 hours south of Dallas, which means a game is an all day affair. Red is not a football fan. Zelda could care less about Aggie football, unless they are playing Kansas State, which we do this October.

If I choose to go all the home games, as well as the two away games to Colorado and Kansas, we won't have a Saturday off in October this year. My body can't handle it like it used too. Not too mention it puts a wrench in the running of the house.

I'm not sure how Zelda is going to like it.
"Sorry dear, I'm going to leave you alone all day, every Saturday, *a day off*, for a month. Love you, bye!"

I look forward to Football season each year for a number of reasons.
I enjoy returning to Texas A&M.
The coeds are as sexy as ever, though they seem to get younger and younger each year...( look forward to harnessing that sexual tension for use on Zelda, tee hee)
I enjoy the yelling and emotion, ups and downs, that happen with college ball.
We visit old haunts, (Cafe Excell, the Chicken Oil, and Los Nortenos. We now exclude Double Daves and Freebirds which have franchied into the "big time" and can be found in Dallas and Austin)
I love my team.
And maybe most importantly, I look forward to spending a day with my buddy J.
He and Red now do the things he and I use to do. Road trips, vacations, Christmas shopping. And this is as it should be, but part of me still is sad and misses it.
Football season gives us the opportunity to catch up. Talk shop, vent about our "significant others" when we have had them. And to hang out.

First home game is in a couple of weeks!!

I'm looking forward to it!

Gig'em Aggies! WHOOP!


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