Wednesday, August 03, 2005

How to Live Life

I am to a point where the office is now toxic.
I have been in some crazy offices, but the dynamics of this place... incredible.

There is, of course, nothing I can do or say to change anyone there.

Boss'es wife will continue to be, dispite her husband's fortune, unhappy and angry with the world..

Boss will not shape up and get his act together so he can make a profit and stop living off of his inheritance.

Senior Architect will not wake up one day and decied not to be a racist bigot.

the question for me is...
What do I want to do with this situation?

And how do I survive it without it poisoning me?

We have the ability to continue to live a positive self described destiny even though the world and everyone around us is falling apart.
Ie. The survivors of the holocost who went on to do great things in the world with themselves.
vs. those survivers who went on to continue the hatred...

Let's start with focusing on what I need to do, amoungst them, updating my resume, finishing my exams, and continuing my education...

And then we can stop passively participating in this mess.

(Not that I have. I was trying Really hard to get fired earlier this week. Just to see how far I could go and if they would do it. Yesterday was my one year anniversary. I promised myself when I interviewed I'd only stay a max of two years.)

Zelda and I talked about it tonight. She's got her feelers out job leads and I will talk with J.

Then I need to continue to define what kind of company I DO want to work for...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or....what about this? you and Zelda begin the long, slow plan of starting something architecturally artistic and designery of your own...stick out the next year as whores (pardon the expression) to the "company store" and then break out! Wishfully yours, April

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or....what about this? you and Zelda begin the long, slow plan of starting something architecturally artistic and designery of your own...stick out the next year as whores (pardon the expression) to the "company store" and then break out! Wishfully yours, April

6:21 PM  

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