Thursday, November 03, 2005


I am concerned about this weekend.

Zelda is out of town, visiting friends.

I worry that instead of

s.l.o.w.i.n.g d.o.w.n,

which is what she needs at the moment, she will try to cram as much as she can into the little time she has in Omaha. Staying up late and such...

Zelda is, for the most part, a focused, go-go, kind of personality.

I on the other hand, will give in to doing nothing if the mood strikes me.

This world of ours would have us believe that IT is more important than US.

It helps Zelda out in her commute and I am all for it.

At the same time, we spend almost all of our non working hours with each other.

No "self time" to regenerate.

I feel guilty when I ask for it, but it is vital to keeping our relation vibrant.

I find myself relating radio stories I have heard to Zelda, only to realize she was in the car at the time...
My self goals for this weekend are...

1. Clear out the dining portion of the kitchen.

2. Clear out the living room.

3. Clear out the office.

4. Pay the bills/balance check book.

I ask that you hold me accountable if I don't get these things done,

Oh, and

5. the lawn , but that can wait...

6. And somewhere in there I need to slip in some down time...
Where does all the time go?

I need to enact Sabbath from TV at least once a week...

Something I did a number of years ago that was a blessing to me.
Oh, and I'll start with

7. the laundry...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to take a couple of things OFF this "to-do" list, Bunny! Otherwise I predict you won't get any of them accomplished. Call it the voice of experience...ha ha. Clear out the most lived in area and call it a great start! Oh, and pay the bills....that's a good thing. We'll make sure Kara gets some rest. April

6:41 AM  
Blogger karlthebunny said...

Thank you April!!
You don't know how much that means to me...

We both really need it...
Take good care of my Zelda...

6:51 AM  

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