Monday, October 24, 2005

We're back!

Drive 8 hours north from Dallas and you can find your self in Nebraska, or in our case, Manhattan, Kansas.

Turn around and head 8 hours south from Dallas and you will only make it as far as Corpus Cristy.

The popular phrase is, " I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"
The question to ask though is, "Where you ever there in the first place?"

Again, the popular notion is that Kansas is incrediblely flat with nothing for miles.

The eastern part of the state is anything but.
I found it very beautiful.
Rolling hills and pairie grasses as far as the eye can see. Which with the rolling hills isn't that far.

This was a closing circle for Zelda.
And enlightening for me, this trip to her home town.

Her father is responsible for restoring a great portion of the state grass lands to their native state. With a couple of Ph.ds from Texas A&M, he moved his family north to Kansas State University to work for the state and national government helping ranchers restore their land.

Zelda grew up in, loved, married, went to college, lost, and did all the things kids do, in the same town. Manhattan.
We stopped by the bench on campus dedicated to her first husband by his parents, who also worked for the University.

Helped me put the big picture together.
We saw where she rowed.
Her old homes.
Her high school.
The highest hill in town.

We didn't make it to the cemetary this time around.

But we will go back.
It's home.

(and for those interested...
my team beat her team, but not by much.


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