Saturday, October 15, 2005

Late Night

Z is sleeping in the other room, while I can't.

Has been happening a lot lately.
I think it's to do with allergy meds and a soda too late in the evening. Maybe the sugar, as Root Beer is caffeine free.

Anyway, here I am at 4:00am.

Check out Paula at
she has some pretty funny things to say!
Especially about being "witty" on the net. *See "F the pressure"*
The day Z and I took Snoopy in to see the vet, we, well I, *Z is much more faithful*, admired the latest kitty for adoption.
He is VERY affectionate.

The doctor came out to talk with a woman and her daughter, saw us, but did not approach.

We found later that putting a loved one to sleep is too traumatic for some that they don't wish to see the same Dr.

I admit it was emotional for me the first time Z and I drove past the animal hospital a month or so after Woody died.
Anyway, I digress...

The daughter's jacket had "Nightmare before Christmas" on it and I asked if she had seen "Corpse Bride" yet. (Wait till video, it wasn't as great as "Nightmare...")

They had a number of kitties and had brought their latest in for checking.
Rattling off names, one came up that we recognized, or Z did.
She thought she recognized them...
They were the family who adopted Zahara, the kitty we had wanted.
Turns out Zahara is one of those skidish cats that takes a while to settle down.

Small world.

G*d was wanting us to know something.
That we were right in believing that things happen as they do, whether we understand them or not.
More cat news.
If you have kept up with Z's blog, see side bar link, "Zeldapinwheel", you will remember that her cat Gaea has been having some troubles...

She is fearful of me.
As in:
Bat with clawless paws *thankgoodness!!*,
go histerical!!!

Which has caused Z great concern.

She's her baby after all.

(Personally I'd like to drop kick her,
but that is NOT a constructive option.
Please forgive me Z,
I'd never let you see me do it,

*and we wonder why Gaea reacts the way she does*.

To be honest, I'm just as fearful of her,
though she would NOT be able to kick me
quite as far)

I have decided that she is fearful of me, because she has lost her #1 position in Zelda's life.

I have *stolen* Zelda away.

And I can relate to that pain. My mom remarried when I was 4. Up to that time, I had been the primary male in her life.

I have encouraged Z to spend alone time with her everyday, and to limit our "public displays of affection" in front of her kitty self.

"Take her into the bedroom, close the door, and give her your 100% attention every day."

So far, it seems to be helping.


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